Rockhill Tenants Collective

Residents of the Rockhill apartments in Montreal


All Articles

19 August 2024

Des coquerelles ont été vues dans les portes des ascenseurs du F et du B. Elles utilisent les ascenseurs pour monter à d'autres étages.

The administration recently distributed traps to residents of buildings D and E to detect the quantity of cockroaches present. There were already traps in building F for many months, often well filled:

There were so many friday that the extermination company had to hurriedly take them away without leaving any replacements!


26 June 2024

The holes in the walls left by the removal of the old speakers remain wide open, three months later, with no plan to fill them. This constitutes a violation of housing sanitation and provides an easy entry point for insects.


12 June 2024

Once more, litter ont the ground due to insufficient garbage bins after this area was just washed, creating a breeding ground for vermin:


03 June 2024

Several living and dead cockroaches were spotted at the elevator entrace of building D in SS2:

Click here to see it in action

The same day, a visit in the F revealed a trap with cockroaches in it:

L'administration, avisée de cette présence, à indiqué qu'elle allait demander à la compagnie d'exterminateurs, de faire un traitement plus extensif de cet endroit. Nous avons indiqué qu'il s'agit d'un signe superficiel d'une infestation plus grave.

The administration, advised of this presence, indicated that it would ask the exterminators to treat this area more extensively. We advised them that it was a superficial signal of a deeper infestation.


01 June 2024

The CLR compiled the results of the bilingual survey that was distributed in the mailboxes of all apartments in the complex. To ensure the best possible representation of all buildings, responses collected in person (door-to-door) were added to the spontaneous responses (returns of completed questionnaires), in an approximate proportion of 50%-50%.

235 tenants, nearly a quarter of all tenants, if the vacancy rate is not considered, responded to the survey between April 6 and May 6, 2024.

Click here to obtain the complete analysis report.


30 May 2024

The grounds at Rockhill have often been graced with greenery. Indeed, they are an extension of the woods of the Oratory and have a heritage vocation to contribute to the conservation of Mount Royal.This greenery has always been one of Rockhill's undeniable assets, contributing to its healthy living environment. However, several practices of the Minto administration contribute to killing the greenery and creating arid or poorly used areas due to a lack of proper grounds management.


27 May 2024

For the past 2 years, sanitation has been deteriorating, which is evidenced by the increased presence of insects and now rats. Decisive action is needed before all buildings are completely overrun!


27 May 2024

In the summer of 2023, a project to refurbish the balconies of building F was initiated by the administration, after having completed those of building E. A year later, the work continues amidst dust, noise, and a lack of transparency, raising fears for other planned work by Minto.


27 May 2024

The administration tried to remove the graffiti on the walls but it can still be seen. It might be necessary to call in a professional cleaner with pressure washing equipment and/or effective solvents.


27 May 2024

Nothing has been done to eliminate the accumulation of old abandoned bicycles around several buildings, which are obstacles for pedestrians and monopolize the bicycle stands. Rusty bikes, flat tires, strewn about in every direction, bicycle stands placed haphazardly, block the way of pedestrians and give an appearance of neglect. Opposite the facade of building D, several wooden tables are additional obstacles.

Next meeting

Monday 9th of September 2024 at 7 PM

In the hall of building C

(next to the stores)


Have a question? An incident, photo or opinion for the website? An exchange with the administration to share? Write to us at:

Register with us here!

The Collective

Affected by the deterioration of the Rockhill Apartments in Montreal, some tenants began meeting in July 2023 to consider ways to address the situation.

From these meetings emerged the Rockhill Tenants Collective, a spontaneous group dedicated to upholding the rights of residents and the heritage value of this once upscale and avant-garde complex.